
Javascript : Variable (1) (Memory, Data type, !!, null, undefined) 본문


Javascript : Variable (1) (Memory, Data type, !!, null, undefined)

ReasonJun 2023. 6. 6. 13:18


stack : function/order of execution
heap: where objects are stored


Data type


Primitive - immutable

: Boolean, String, Number, null, undefined, Symbol

Reference - mutable

: Object, Array


Basically, javascript uses call stack memory space to store references and values for primitive types, but uses a separate memory space called Heap for reference types. In this case, the call stack stores the heap memory reference id as a value in memory, not as an object or array value.


Why You Should Preserve Immutability


When the value of an object or array in a reference type changes, the original data is changed, so unexpected errors may occur in other objects that refer to the original data.


How to preserve immutability


In the reference type, when the value is changed, the call stack address value is the same, but only the heap memory value is changed. Therefore, since immutability cannot be maintained, use a method that returns an entirely new array/object.


: spread operator, map, filter, slice, reduce

Methods that change the original data ⇒ splice, push

// Primitive types are passed by copying the value.
let a = 1;
let b = a; //1
b = 2;
console.log(a); // 1
console.log(b); // 2

// For object types, reference values (memory addresses, references) are copied and passed.
let apple = {
  // 0x1234
  name: 'apple',
let orange = apple; // 0x1234 = 'orange';
console.log(apple); // { name: 'orange' }
console.log(orange); // { name: 'orange' }

Constant variable (typeof)

// let : can be reassigned
let a = 1;
a = 2;

// const : can't reallocate
// 1. a constant
// 2. variable
const text = 'hello';
// text = 'hi'; Do not do this!

// 1. constant
const MAX_FRUITS = 5;

// 2. Non-reassignable constant or variable
const apple = {
  name: 'apple',
  color: 'red',
  display: '🍎',

// apple = {};
console.log(apple); //{ name: 'apple', color: 'red', display: '🍎' } = 'orange'; // changeable
apple.display = '🍏';
console.log(apple);//{ name: 'orange', color: 'red', display: '🍏' }
// typeof: check the data type
// return value as type string
// Types are dynamically assigned. (weakly typed)

// true
console.log(typeof 'hello' === 'string');
console.log(typeof 123 === 'number');
console.log(typeof false === 'boolean');
console.log(typeof undefined === 'undefined');
console.log(typeof null === 'object');
console.log(typeof [] === 'object');
console.log(typeof {} === 'object');
console.log(typeof function () {} === 'function');

console.log([].constructor === Array);
console.log({}.constructor === Object);

console.log(, -1) === 'Null');

// error
// console.log(null.constructor === Array);
// solve
console.log(; // [object Null]

function checkType(data) {
  return, -1);

variable = Symbol();
console.log(typeof variable); // symbol

console.log(typeof 123); // number
console.log(typeof '123'); // string

console.log(typeof null === 'object'); // true
console.log(typeof [] === 'object'); // true
console.log(typeof {} === 'object'); // true
console.log(typeof function () {} === 'function'); // true

type conversion

const a = 1;
const b = '1';

console.log(a === b); // false
console.log(a == b); // true


Returns the given value in Boolean format.

console.log(!!1); // true
console.log(!!-1); // true
console.log(!!'hello'); // true
console.log(!!{}); // true
console.log(!!Infinity); // true

console.log(!!0); // false
console.log(!!-0); // false
console.log(!!''); // false
console.log(!!null); // false
console.log(!!undefined); // false
console.log(!!NaN); // false


null / undefined

// null, undefined
let variable;
console.log(variable); // undefined

variable = null;
console.log(variable); // null

let activeItem; // You don't know if there are still active items or not!
activeItem = null; // State with no active items!

console.log(typeof null); // object 
console.log(typeof undefined); // undefined

// Boolean

let age = null;

console.log(age); // null
// defalut => undefined

setTimeout(function () {
  age = 85;
  console.log(age); // 85
}, 1000);



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