
JavaScript : Engine 본문


JavaScript : Engine

ReasonJun 2023. 6. 6. 13:15

A JavaScript engine is a computer program or virtual machine that interprets and executes JavaScript code. It is responsible for executing JavaScript programs and running JavaScript code within a web browser or a server-side environment.


JavaScript engines are designed to efficiently process JavaScript code by performing various tasks, such as parsing the code, optimizing its execution, and managing memory resources. They typically consist of several components working together:

  1. Parser: The parser reads and analyzes the JavaScript code, converting it into a more structured representation called an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The AST represents the program's syntax and structure in a way that can be efficiently executed.
  2. Interpreter: The interpreter processes the AST generated by the parser and executes the JavaScript code line by line. It interprets each statement or expression and performs the necessary operations accordingly. Interpreted execution allows for immediate feedback but can be slower compared to other execution methods.
  3. Just-In-Time (JIT) Compiler: Some JavaScript engines employ a Just-In-Time compiler to optimize the performance of JavaScript code. The JIT compiler analyzes the code while it is running and dynamically compiles parts of it into highly optimized machine code for faster execution. This compilation process can significantly improve the performance of JavaScript execution.
  4. Memory Management: JavaScript engines also manage memory resources during execution. They allocate memory for variables, objects, and data structures and release memory that is no longer needed. Memory management techniques such as garbage collection are used to automatically reclaim memory occupied by objects that are no longer referenced.

Popular JavaScript engines include:

  • V8: Developed by Google, V8 is the JavaScript engine used in the Chrome browser and the Node.js runtime environment.
  • SpiderMonkey: Developed by Mozilla, SpiderMonkey is the JavaScript engine used in the Firefox browser.
  • JavaScriptCore: Developed by Apple, JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in the Safari browser.
  • Chakra: Developed by Microsoft, Chakra is the JavaScript engine used in Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge browsers (legacy versions).
  • JerryScript: A lightweight JavaScript engine designed for resource-constrained devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

These JavaScript engines are continuously improved and updated to provide better performance, improved compatibility with JavaScript standards, and support for new language features and APIs.


Overall, JavaScript engines are the backbone of executing JavaScript code and play a crucial role in enabling the dynamic and interactive functionality that JavaScript provides on the web and in server-side applications.
