
Solidity : Delegatecall 본문


Solidity : Delegatecall

ReasonJun 2023. 10. 18. 17:09

Delegatecall is a low-level Solidity opcode that allows a contract to execute code from another contract while using the state and storage of the calling contract. This can be used to implement a variety of features, such as:

  • Upgrading contracts without losing data: Delegatecall can be used to upgrade a contract to a new version without losing any of the data stored in the contract. This is done by having the new contract delegatecall to the old contract for all of its functions.
  • Implementing complex functionality: Delegatecall can be used to implement complex functionality that would be difficult or impossible to implement in a single contract. This is done by delegatecall to different contracts for different functions.
  • Sharing code between contracts: Delegatecall can be used to share code between contracts. This can help to reduce code duplication and make it easier to maintain and update contracts.

Delegatecall can be used as follows:

(bool success, bytes memory result) = address.delegatecall(bytes memory data);

The address parameter is the address of the contract to delegatecall to. The data parameter is a byte array that contains the encoded function call to execute.


The delegatecall() function returns two values: a boolean value indicating whether the delegatecall was successful and a byte array containing the return value of the function, if any.


Here is an example of how delegatecall can be used to upgrade a contract to a new version:

contract OldContract {
  uint256 public storageValue;

  function setStorageValue(uint256 newValue) public {
    storageValue = newValue;

contract NewContract {
  using OldContract for OldContract;

  OldContract public oldContract;

  constructor(address oldContractAddress) {
    oldContract = OldContract(oldContractAddress);

  function setStorageValue(uint256 newValue) public {
    oldContract.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSignature("setStorageValue(uint256)", newValue));

The NewContract contract delegatecalls to the OldContract contract for its setStorageValue() function. This means that the NewContract contract can use the same storage variable as the OldContract contract.


Delegatecall is a powerful tool that can be used to implement a variety of features in Solidity contracts. However, it is important to use it carefully, as it can also be used to exploit contracts if not used correctly.


Here are some tips for using delegatecall safely:

  • Only delegatecall to trusted contracts.
  • Carefully check the delegatecall data before executing it.
  • Do not send Ether to other contracts from inside a delegatecall function.
  • Test delegatecall functions thoroughly before deploying them to production.


(bool success, bytes memory result) = address.delegatecall(bytes memory data);

In this code, what is 'bytes memory data'?


bytes memory data in the Solidity code (bool success, bytes memory result) = address.delegatecall(bytes memory data); is a byte array that contains the encoded function call to execute.


The data byte array is encoded using the Solidity ABI encoder. The ABI encoder converts function signatures and arguments into a byte array that can be understood by the EVM.


For example, the following code encodes the function call myFunction(1, 2, 3):

bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSignature("myFunction(uint256,uint256,uint256)", 1, 2, 3);

The data byte array can then be passed to the delegatecall() function to execute the myFunction() function on the specified contract.


It is important to note that the data byte array must be encoded correctly in order for the delegatecall() function to succeed. If the data byte array is not encoded correctly, the delegatecall() function will fail and revert the transaction.


Here are some tips for encoding the data byte array correctly:

  • Use the Solidity ABI encoder to encode the function signature and arguments.
  • Make sure that the function signature and arguments are in the correct order.
  • Make sure that the function signature and arguments are encoded using the correct data types.

It is also important to note that the data byte array can be used to encode arbitrary data. This means that the delegatecall() function can be used to execute any code on the specified contract, not just functions.


However, it is important to use the delegatecall() function carefully, as it can also be used to exploit contracts if not used correctly. For example, an attacker could send a contract a malicious data byte array that could cause the contract to lose Ether or other assets.


Only delegatecall to trusted contracts and carefully check the data byte array before executing it.


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