
Solidity : transfer() 본문


Solidity : transfer()

ReasonJun 2023. 10. 18. 16:22

The transfer() function in Solidity is used to transfer Ether to an address. It takes two arguments: the address to transfer the Ether to and the amount of Ether to transfer.


The transfer() function returns a boolean value indicating whether the transfer was successful. If the transfer was successful, the function returns true. If the transfer was unsuccessful, the function throws an exception and the transaction is reverted.


The transfer() function is the recommended way to transfer Ether in Solidity because it is more reliable and safer than the send() function. The transfer() function will check to make sure that the sender has enough Ether to send and that the recipient address is valid. If either of these checks fail, the function will throw an exception and the transaction will be reverted.


Here is an example of how to use the transfer() function:

function transferEther(address recipient, uint256 amount) public {

This function can be used to transfer Ether to any address. If the transfer is successful, the function returns true. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the function throws an exception and the transaction is reverted.


Here are some of the benefits of using the transfer() function:

  • It is more reliable than the send() function because it checks to make sure that the sender has enough Ether to send and that the recipient address is valid.
  • It is safer than the send() function because it reverts the transaction if the transfer fails.
  • It is easier to use than the send() function because it does not require you to handle potential failure scenarios explicitly.

The transfer() function is a powerful tool for transferring Ether to addresses in Solidity. It is the recommended way to transfer Ether because it is more reliable, safer, and easier to use than the send() function.


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