
Coding test basic theory 본문

Frontend/Javascript Coding Test

Coding test basic theory

ReasonJun 2023. 9. 14. 11:36

Time complexity

  • Time complexity is a measure of the performance of an algorithm.
  • Analysis of algorithm execution time for input of a specific size.
  • If there are algorithms that perform the same function, the lower the complexity, the better.


Big-O Notation

  • This is a notation that considers only the fastest growing terms.
  • Indicates the upper limit of the funciton.
  • For example, let's say there is an alforithm where the number of operations is 3N^3 + 5N^2 + 1,000,000.
  • As N increases, the influence of terms other than 3N^3 becomes smaller.
  • In Big-0 notation, the coefficient is excluded from the term with the largest degree and is expressed as 0(N^3).



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