
What is coding test? 본문

Frontend/Javascript Coding Test

What is coding test?

ReasonJun 2023. 9. 14. 10:58

Algorithm Coding Test

  • Several algorithmic problems are presented within a set period of time (usually within 5 hours).
  • Evaluate the ability to solve problems using appropriate algorithms.


Development assignment coding test

  • A test aimed at developing a complete program.
  • The duration can range from as short as a few hours to as long as two weeks or more.
  • It requires the use of a language or framework that is actually used by a specific company


Online coding test

  • A coding test that requires you to read questions from a specific website and submit the correct code.
  • Plagiarism check in progress.
  • Internet search allowed, but simple search does not yield solutions.


Offline coding test

  • This is a coding test that is taken by visiting the testing center of a specific company/institution.
  • Whether or not Internet searches are permitted varies from institution to institution.


Latest trends in coding test questions

  • Implementation, DFS / BFS (search), and greedy algorithm types are frequently asked questions.

How to prepare

  • Choosing a programming language.
  • Solve at least 10 theoretical and core problem for each type of algorithm. (sorting, DFS/BFS, implementation, exhaustive search, greedy algorithm)
  • Solve past exam questions for the company you want.

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Coding test basic theory  (0) 2023.09.14