
Redux: toolkit 본문


Redux: toolkit

ReasonJun 2023. 8. 19. 23:21

Redux Toolkit is a set of tools that helps simplify Redux development. It provides a number of utilities that make it easier to create and manage Redux stores, reducers, and actions.


Some of the features of Redux Toolkit include:

  • Simplified store configuration: Redux Toolkit provides a function called configureStore() that makes it easy to configure a Redux store. This function takes care of setting up the store with the middleware you need, and it also includes redux-thunk by default.
  • Automatic reducer merging: Redux Toolkit can automatically merge your reducers into a single reducer. This can be helpful if you have a large number of reducers, or if you want to keep your reducers organized into separate files.
  • Immutable update logic: Redux Toolkit uses the Immer library to make it easier to write immutable update logic. This can help to prevent bugs and make your code more maintainable.
  • Slices: Redux Toolkit provides a concept called "slices" that can be used to organize your state. Slices make it easier to manage large state trees, and they can also help to improve the performance of your application.
  • Data fetching: Redux Toolkit includes a library called RTK Query that makes it easy to fetch data from an API. RTK Query can be used to fetch data in a variety of ways, including synchronuous, asynchronous, and cached requests.

Redux Toolkit is a powerful tool that can help you to write better Redux code. It is recommended for all Redux users, regardless of their experience level.


Here are some of the benefits of using Redux Toolkit:

  • It is simple to use. The APIs provided by Redux Toolkit are easy to understand and use, even for beginners.
  • It is opinionated. Redux Toolkit provides good defaults for store setup and reducers, which can help to prevent errors and make your code more consistent.
  • It is powerful. Redux Toolkit includes a number of features that can help you to write more efficient and maintainable code.
  • It is effective. Redux Toolkit can help you to focus on the core logic of your application, so you can get more work done with less code.

If you are using Redux, I highly recommend using Redux Toolkit. It is a great way to simplify your Redux code and make your application more maintainable.


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