
ESLint 본문



ReasonJun 2023. 6. 20. 16:21

ESLint is a JavaScript linter that helps you write better code by enforcing code style and best practices. It is a popular tool that is used by many JavaScript developers.


ESLint is a static analysis tool, which means that it analyzes your code without actually running it. This makes it a very fast tool, and it can be used to lint large codebases.


ESLint is configured using a configuration file. This file specifies the rules that ESLint should enforce, as well as the plugins that you want to use. The rules are written in JavaScript, so you can customize them to fit your specific needs.

ESLint can be run from the command line, or it can be integrated into your development workflow. There are also a number of IDEs that have built-in support for ESLint.


Here are some of the benefits of using ESLint:

  • Improved code quality: ESLint can help you write code that is more readable, maintainable, and bug-free.
  • Consistent code style: ESLint can help you enforce a consistent code style throughout your project.
  • Early detection of errors: ESLint can help you detect errors early in the development process, which can save you time and frustration.
  • Automated linting: ESLint can be run automatically as part of your development workflow, which can help you ensure that your code is always linted.

If you are serious about writing high-quality JavaScript code, then you should use ESLint. It is a powerful tool that can help you improve the quality of your code and save you time and frustration.


Here are some of the most popular ESLint rules:

  • no-unused-vars: This rule prevents you from declaring variables that are never used.
  • no-undef: This rule prevents you from using variables that are not defined.
  • quotes: This rule enforces a consistent style for using quotes in your code.
  • semi: This rule enforces a consistent style for using semicolons in your code.
  • indent: This rule enforces a consistent style for indenting your code.

These are just a few of the many rules that ESLint can enforce. You can find a complete list of rules in the ESLint documentation.


If you are new to ESLint, I recommend starting by reading the ESLint documentation. This will give you a good understanding of how ESLint works and how to configure it. You can also find a number of tutorials and articles on ESLint online.


Once you have a basic understanding of ESLint, you can start using it to lint your code. There are a number of ways to do this. You can run ESLint from the command line, or you can integrate it into your development workflow.


Configuring: ESLint | Next.js

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