
utterances (comment feature) 본문


utterances (comment feature)

ReasonJun 2023. 6. 20. 14:53

Utterances in the GitHub library are a lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues. They allow you to add comments to a GitHub page that are linked to a specific issue on GitHub. This makes it easy for people to track discussions about a particular issue, and it also helps to keep the discussion organized.


Utterances are easy to use. To add an utterance, you simply need to add a comment to the GitHub page with the @utterances keyword. You can then specify the issue number that you want to link the comment to.


Utterances are also customizable. You can specify the text that is displayed in the utterance, as well as the color of the utterance. You can also specify whether the utterance should be collapsed by default.


Utterances are a great way to add comments to GitHub pages that are linked to specific issues. They make it easy for people to track discussions about a particular issue, and they also help to keep the discussion organized.


Here are some of the benefits of using utterances:

  • They are easy to use. Utterances are easy to add to GitHub pages, and they are easy to understand.
  • They are customizable. You can customize the text, color, and collapse status of utterances.
  • They are linked to GitHub issues. Utterances are linked to specific issues on GitHub, so it is easy to track discussions about a particular issue.
  • They are lightweight. Utterances are lightweight, so they do not add a lot of overhead to your GitHub pages.

If you are looking for a way to add comments to GitHub pages that are linked to specific issues, then utterances are a great option. They are easy to use, customizable, and lightweight. 


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