
javascript : regexp pattern 본문


javascript : regexp pattern

ReasonJun 2023. 6. 9. 00:42

The code you provided demonstrates the usage of regular expressions in JavaScript to match and manipulate text based on specific patterns. Let's go through the code and understand its functionality:

const str = `...`; // The text content to be matched and manipulated

console.log(str.match(/^h.../gm)); // Matches strings starting with 'h' followed by any three characters.

console.log(str.match(/\\.com/g)); // Matches '.com' occurrences in the text.
console.log(str.match(/\\.com$/g)); // Matches '.com' only at the end of lines.
console.log(str.match(/\\.com$/gm)); // Matches '.com' at the end of lines.
console.log(str.match(/...\\.com$/gm)); // Matches three characters followed by '.com' at the end of lines.

console.log(str.match(/fox|dog/g)); // Matches 'fox' or 'dog' occurrences.
console.log(str.match(/fox|dog|\\.com/g)); // Matches 'fox', 'dog', or '.com' occurrences.

console.log(str.match(/https?/g)); // Matches 'http' or 'https'.

console.log(str.match(/\\d{3}/g)); // Matches three consecutive digits.
console.log(str.match(/d{3}/g)); // Matches 'ddd'.
console.log(str.match(/\\d{3,9}/g)); // Matches a sequence of digits between 3 and 9 characters long.

console.log(str.match(/[ab]/g)); // Matches 'a' or 'b' occurrences.
console.log(str.match(/[a-z]{1,}/g)); // Matches lowercase words.
console.log(str.match(/[a-zA-Z]+/g)); // Matches words regardless of case.

console.log(str.match(/\\b[0-9]+\\b/g)); // Matches whole numbers.
console.log(str.match(/\\s/g)); // Matches whitespace characters.

console.log(str.match(/https?:\\/\\/\\w+\\.?/g)); // Matches URLs starting with 'http://' or 'https://'.
console.log(str.match(/https?:\\/\\/(?:\\w+\\.?)+\\/?/g)); // Matches complete URLs.

console.log(str.match(/.+(?=과)/g)); // Matches text before '과' using a positive lookahead.
console.log(str.match(/(?<=과).+/g)); // Matches text after '과' using a positive lookbehind.

console.log(str.match(/\\d{3}-\\d{4}-\\d{4}/g)); // Matches phone number patterns.
console.log(str.match(/\\w+@\\w+\\.\\w+/g)); // Matches email address patterns.
// ^ab : matches ab at the beginning of the line
// ab$ : matches ab at the end of the line
// . : matches any one character
// a|b : matches either a or b
// ab? : does not contain b or matches b

const str = `
Hello world!
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
: 1234
동해물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록
console.log(str.match(/^h.../gm)); // [ 'http', 'hell', 'http' ]

console.log(str.match(/\\.com/g)); // [ '.com', '.com', '.com' ]
console.log(str.match(/\\.com$/g)); // null
console.log(str.match(/\\.com$/gm)); // [ '.com', '.com' ]
console.log(str.match(/...\\.com$/gm)); // [ '', '' ]

console.log(str.match(/fox|dog/g)); // [ 'fox', 'dog' ]
console.log(str.match(/fox|dog|\\.com/g)); // [ '.com', '.com', 'fox', 'dog', '.com' ]

console.log(str.match(/https?/g)); // [ 'https', 'http' ]

// {3} : 3 consecutive matches
// {3, } : 3 or more consecutive matches
// {3, 5} : 3 or more and 5 or less consecutive matches
// + : 1 or more consecutive matches '{1, }'

console.log(str.match(/\\d{3}/g)); // [ '010', '123', '567', '703', '123' ]
console.log(str.match(/d{3}/g)); // [ 'ddd' ]
console.log(str.match(/\\d{3,9}/g)); // [ '010', '1234', '5678', '7035', '1234' ]

// [ab] : a or b
// [a-z] : matches the span of characters from a to z (lowercase English)
// [A-Z] : matches the range of characters from A to Z (English uppercase)
// [0-9] : Matches the range of characters from 0 to 9 (numbers)
// [ga-hyeol]: matches the character range between g and hye (Korean)

// [
//     'a', 'b', 'a', 'a',
//     'b', 'a', 'a', 'a',
//     'a', 'b', 'b'
//   ]
// [
//     'thesecon',        'gmail',
//     'com',             'ello',
//     'world',           'https',
//     'www',             'omdbapi',
//     'com',             'apikey',
//     'c',               'c',
//     's',               'frozen',
//     'he',              'quick',
//     'brown',           'fox',
//     'jumps',           'over',
//     'the',             'lazy',
//     'dog',             'hello',
//     'naver',           'com',
//     'http',            'localhost',
//     'abbcccddddeeeee'
//   ]
// [
//     'thesecon',        'gmail',
//     'com',             'Hello',
//     'world',           'https',
//     'www',             'omdbapi',
//     'com',             'apikey',
//     'c',               'c',
//     's',               'frozen',
//     'The',             'quick',
//     'brown',           'fox',
//     'jumps',           'over',
//     'the',             'lazy',
//     'dog',             'hello',
//     'naver',           'com',
//     'http',            'localhost',
//     'abbcccddddeeeee'
//   ]

// \\w : matches 63 characters (word, 52 uppercase and lowercase letters, 10 numbers + _)
// \\b : character boundaries that do not match 63 characters
// \\d : matches any number
// \\s : matches whitespace

console.log(str.match(/\\b[0-9]+\\b/g)); // [ '010', '1234', '5678', '1234' ]
// [
//     '\\n', '\\n', '\\n', ' ', '\\n',
//     '\\n', ' ',  ' ',  ' ', ' ',
//     ' ',  ' ',  ' ',  ' ', '\\n',
//     '\\n', ' ',  '\\n', ' ', ' ',
//     ' ',  '\\n', '\\n'
//   ]

// (?:): group designation
// (?=) : match forward
// (?<=) : match back

console.log(str.match(/https?:\\/\\/\\w+\\.?/g)); // [ '.', '' ]
console.log(str.match(/https?:\\/\\/(?:\\w+\\.?)+\\/?/g)); // [ '<>', '' ]

console.log(str.match(/.+(?=과)/g)); // [ '동해물' ]
console.log(str.match(/(?<=과).+/g)); // [ ' 백두산이 마르고 닳도록' ]

console.log(str.match(/\\d{3}-\\d{4}-\\d{4}/g)); // [ '010-1234-5678' ]
console.log(str.match(/\\w+@\\w+\\.\\w+/g)); // [ '', '' ]