
Defi : Atomic Swap 본문


Defi : Atomic Swap

ReasonJun 2024. 1. 18. 12:28

What are they?

  • Imagine trading directly with someone holding a different cryptocurrency than yours, without worrying about counterparty risk or needing a trusted third party like an exchange. That's what atomic swaps allow you to do.
  • They leverage "Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs)," smart contracts on each blockchain that act as temporary vaults holding both parties' assets.

How do they work?

  1. Agreement & Preperation: Two parties agree on the swap terms (amount, currencies, time limit) and use dedicated wallets or platforms supporting atomic swaps.
  2. Depositing Assets: Both parties lock their designated amount of crypto into separate HTLCs on their respective blockchains.
  3. Timelock and Exchange: Each HTLC sets a time limit for the other party to complete the swap. If both deposits happen within the timeframe, the HTLCs release the assets to the recipient's respective blockchain.
  4. Refund or Timeout: If either party fails to deposit within the set time, the HTLCs automatically return the locked assets to their original owners.

Benefits of Atomic Swaps:

  • Decentralization: Eliminates the need for centralized exchanges, promoting individual control and trustless peer-to-peer transactions.
  • Greater Liquidity: Enables trading between tokens on different blockchains, unlocking previously isolated liquidity pools.
  • Security: HTLCs ensure no party loses their assets unless the swap completes successfully, minimizing counterparty risk.
  • Privacy: Direct peer-to-peer transactions potentially enhance privacy compared to exchange usage.

Challenges and Future:

  • Limited Support: Atomic swaps are still a relatively new technology, and support for diverse token pairs and platforms is evolving.
  • Technical Complexity: Setting up and using atomic swaps can be more complex than traditional exchange trading, requiring some technical knowledge.
  • Security Considerations: While secure in principle, vulnerabilities could exist in specific implementations or smart contract code.

Despite these challenges, atomic swaps represent a significant step forward in decentralized finance and cross-chain interoperability. As the technology matures and gains wider adoption, it has the potential to revolutionize how we trade and interact with digital assets across different blockchains.,the%20multi%2Dchain%20Web3%20ecosystem.


