
Ethereum : Transaction Receipt 본문


Ethereum : Transaction Receipt

ReasonJun 2024. 1. 17. 00:02

  • Type: The type of transaction (e.g., LegacyTxType, AccessListTxType).
  • PostState: The root hash of the world state after transaction execution.
  • Status: The transaction's status (1 for success, 0 for failure).
  • CumulativeGasUsed: Total gas used by the transaction and its sub-transactions.
  • Bloom: A Bloom filter for efficient retrieval of logs matching specific topics.
  • Logs: An array of logs emitted during transaction execution.
  • TxHash: Hash of the transaction.
  • ContractAddress: Address of the created contract (if applicable).
  • GasUsed: Gas used by the transaction itself.
  • EffectiveGasPrice: Effective gas price paid for the transaction.
  • BlobGasUsed: Gas used for any internal calls or contract creation (EIP-4399).
  • BlobGasPrice: Gas price for blob transactions (EIP-4399).
  • BlockHash: Hash of the block containing the transaction.
  • BlockNumber: Number of the block containing the transaction.
  • TransactionIndex: Position of the transaction within the block.

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