
Hardhat : Solidity-coverage 본문


Hardhat : Solidity-coverage

ReasonJun 2023. 10. 20. 17:05

Solidity-coverage is a tool that can be used to measure the code coverage of Solidity smart contracts. Code coverage is a measure of how much of the code in a program has been executed. This can be used to identify areas of the code that are not being tested, and to improve the quality of the test suite.


Solidity-coverage works by instrumenting the Solidity code with coverage probes. These probes are inserted into the code at strategic points, and they are used to track which lines of code have been executed. The coverage data is then collected and used to generate a report that shows the code coverage for the contract.


Solidity-coverage can be used with a variety of testing frameworks, such as Mocha and Hardhat. It can also be used to generate coverage reports for both unit tests and integration tests.


The benefits of using solidity-coverage include:

  • Improved test quality: By identifying areas of the code that are not being tested, solidity-coverage can help to improve the quality of the test suite.
  • Reduced debugging time: By providing information about which lines of code have been executed, solidity-coverage can help to reduce the time it takes to debug failing tests.
  • Increased confidence in the codebase: By showing how much of the code has been tested, solidity-coverage can help to increase confidence in the codebase.

Overall, solidity-coverage is a valuable tool that can be used to improve the quality of Solidity smart contracts.


Here are some of the features of solidity-coverage:

  • Supports multiple testing frameworks, such as Mocha and Hardhat
  • Generates coverage reports for both unit tests and integration tests
  • Can be used to measure the coverage of individual contracts or entire projects
  • Provides detailed information about which lines of code have been executed
  • Can be used to identify areas of the code that are not being tested

If you are developing Solidity smart contracts, then I encourage you to use solidity-coverage to improve the quality of your code.


npm install --save-dev solidity-coverage

npx hardhat coverage


When the test code does not cover all smart contracts.


When the test code does cover all smart contracts.
