
Solidity : revert 본문


Solidity : revert

ReasonJun 2023. 10. 17. 17:47

The revert() function in Solidity is used to revert a transaction and undo all state changes that have been made so far. It can be used to handle errors or to prevent invalid state changes from happening.

The revert() function can be used in a number of ways. For example, it can be used to:

  • Check for invalid input data and revert the transaction if the input data is invalid.
  • Check for state invariants and revert the transaction if a state invariant is violated.
  • Handle errors that occur during external calls, such as failed network requests or out-of-gas conditions.

Here is an example of how to use the revert() function to check for invalid input data:

function withdraw(uint256 amount) public {
  if (amount > balances[msg.sender]) {
    revert("Insufficient balance");

  balances[msg.sender] -= amount;

If the amount passed to the withdraw() function is greater than the balance of the sender account, the revert() function will be called and the transaction will be reverted.

Here is an example of how to use the revert() function to handle an error that occurs during an external call:

function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public {
  // Call an external contract to transfer the tokens
  require(externalContract.transfer(recipient, amount));

If the transfer() call to the external contract fails, the require() function will revert the transaction.


Benefits of using revert()

There are a number of benefits to using the revert() function in Solidity:

  • Improved security: The revert() function can help to improve the security of code by making it more difficult for attackers to exploit errors.
  • Increased maintainability: The revert() function can make code more maintainable by making it easier to understand and handle errors.
  • Reduced code duplication: The revert() function can help to reduce code duplication by allowing you to reuse code from existing contracts.

Tips for using revert() effectively

Here are some tips for using the revert() function effectively:

  • Use the revert() function to handle errors and to prevent invalid state changes from happening.
  • Do not use the revert() function to control the flow of execution of your code. This can make your code more difficult to read and understand.


The revert() function is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the security, maintainability, and readability of Solidity code. By understanding how to use the revert() function effectively, you can write better and more robust contracts.


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