
pnpm : concept 본문


pnpm : concept

ReasonJun 2023. 9. 19. 15:26

pnpm is a fast and disk space efficient package manager for JavaScript. It uses a content-addressable filesystem to store all files from all module directories on a disk. This means that pnpm only stores one copy of each file, regardless of how many packages depend on it. This can save a lot of disk space, especially for large projects with many dependencies.


pnpm is also very fast. It can install dependencies up to 2x faster than other package managers, such as npm and Yarn. This is because pnpm uses a number of optimizations, such as parallel downloading and caching.


pnpm is also well-suited for monorepos. A monorepo is a repository that contains multiple packages. pnpm can install and manage dependencies for all of the packages in a monorepo with a single command.


Other features of pnpm include:

  • Strictness: pnpm creates a non-flat node_modules by default, so code has no access to arbitrary packages.
  • Determinism: pnpm has a lockfile called pnpm-lock.yaml that ensures that installations are always reproducible.
  • Platform support: pnpm works on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Overall, pnpm is a fast, disk space efficient, and reliable package manager that is well-suited for both large and small projects.


Here are some of the benefits of using pnpm:

  • Speed: pnpm is up to 2x faster than other package managers, such as npm and Yarn.
  • Disk space efficiency: pnpm only stores one copy of each file, regardless of how many packages depend on it. This can save a lot of disk space, especially for large projects with many dependencies.
  • Monorepo support: pnpm can install and manage dependencies for all of the packages in a monorepo with a single command.
  • Strictness: pnpm creates a non-flat node_modules by default, so code has no access to arbitrary packages.
  • Determinism: pnpm has a lockfile called pnpm-lock.yaml that ensures that installations are always reproducible.
  • Platform support: pnpm works on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

If you are looking for a fast, disk space efficient, and reliable package manager, pnpm is a great option to consider.


pnpm CLI | pnpm

Differences vs npm


npm/yarn에서 pnpm 마이그레이션 방법

npm의 여러 문제를 해결하고 drop-in replacement로 사용될 수 있는 pnpm으로 이주해보자. pnpm의 장점은 이곳에 잘 나와있다. 설치환경 * macOS * nvm: 노드 환경 관리를 위해 사용 마이그레이션 방법 1) nvm




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