
GraphQL : Cache 본문


GraphQL : Cache

ReasonJun 2023. 9. 6. 00:29

Caching is the process of storing data in a temporary location so that it can be accessed more quickly later. In GraphQL, caching can be used to improve the performance of queries by storing the results of previous queries in a cache and returning them if the same query is made again.


There are two main types of caching in GraphQL:

  • Client-side caching is done by the client application. The client application stores the results of queries in its own memory or database. This can improve the performance of subsequent queries by avoiding the need to make a network request to the server.
  • Server-side caching is done by the GraphQL server. The server application stores the results of queries in its own memory or database. This can improve the performance of subsequent queries by avoiding the need to execute the query logic again.

Caching can be a powerful tool for improving the performance of GraphQL applications. However, it is important to use caching carefully to avoid caching stale data.


Here are some of the benefits of caching in GraphQL:

  • Improved performance: Caching can significantly improve the performance of GraphQL queries by reducing the number of network requests that need to be made.
  • Reduced load on the server: Caching can help to reduce the load on the server by storing frequently accessed data in memory.
  • Increased scalability: Caching can help to improve the scalability of GraphQL applications by reducing the number of requests that need to be processed by the server.

Here are some of the challenges of caching in GraphQL:

  • Managing stale data: Caching can lead to stale data if the data in the cache is not updated frequently enough.
  • Handling concurrent requests: Caching can be difficult to manage in the case of concurrent requests, where multiple clients are trying to access the same data at the same time.
  • Caching complex queries: Caching can be difficult to implement for complex queries, where the results of the query depend on the values of other fields.

The main difference between REST and GraphQL caching is that REST APIs are typically cached at the HTTP level, while GraphQL caching is typically done at the client or server level. This is because REST APIs typically return a single resource or collection of resources, while GraphQL queries can return a complex tree of data.


Here are some additional things to keep in mind when caching GraphQL data:

  • Use a cache-aware schema: The schema should be designed in a way that makes it easy to cache data. For example, the schema should use globally unique identifiers for objects.
  • Use cache hints: Cache hints can be used to control how data is cached. For example, you can use the maxAge cache hint to specify how long data should be cached.
  • Implement a cache invalidation strategy: A cache invalidation strategy should be implemented to ensure that stale data is not returned from the cache.

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