
When is it good to use SSG in next.js? 본문


When is it good to use SSG in next.js?

ReasonJun 2023. 6. 19. 14:22

Here are some examples of pages that are good candidates for SSG:

  • Blog posts: Blog posts are typically static content that does not change frequently. SSG can be used to generate blog posts at build time, which can improve performance and ensure that your blog posts are indexed by search engines.
  • Portfolios: Portfolios are another type of static content that can benefit from SSG. SSG can be used to generate portfolios at build time, which can improve performance and ensure that your portfolio is accessible to users from all over the world.
  • Landing pages: Landing pages are often used to promote a product or service. SSG can be used to generate landing pages at build time, which can improve performance and ensure that your landing pages are indexed by search engines.

If you are considering using SSG in your Next.js application, then you should weigh the benefits and drawbacks carefully. SSG can improve performance and SEO, but it can also make it more difficult to update your pages dynamically.


Here are some of the benefits of using SSG:

  • Improved performance: SSG can significantly improve the performance of your pages by pre-rendering them at build time. This means that the pages will be served to the user from the cache, which can reduce the amount of time it takes for the pages to load.
  • Better SEO: SSG can help you improve the SEO of your pages by ensuring that they are indexed by search engines. This is because the pages are pre-rendered at build time, which means that they will contain the latest content.
  • Simplified development: SSG can simplify the development process by reducing the amount of code you need to write. This is because you will not need to worry about dynamic content, as the pages will be pre-rendered at build time.

Here are some of the drawbacks of using SSG:

  • Less flexibility: SSG can make it less flexible to update your pages dynamically. This is because the pages are pre-rendered at build time, which means that you cannot change the content of the pages after they have been generated.
  • Increased complexity: SSG can increase the complexity of your application. This is because you will need to learn how to use SSG, and you will need to make sure that your application is compatible with SSG.

Overall, SSG can be a good choice for pages that are static, SEO-critical, or performance-critical. However, you should weigh the benefits and drawbacks carefully before deciding whether or not to use SSG in your Next.js application.
