
React 18 : Transition 본문


React 18 : Transition

ReasonJun 2023. 6. 16. 19:25

React 18 introduces a new feature called Transitions, which allows you to optimize your user experience, especially for tasks or features that require some time to load. With Transitions, you can differentiate between in-state updates and updates that can be delayed, and show in the UI any necessary loading more efficiently for those that require more time.


To use Transitions, you can use the useTransition hook. This hook returns two values: a boolean variable pending which indicates whether the transition is active or not, and a function startTransition which accepts a callback function in which you set the state. The state will not be set immediately, but will be delayed until the transition is complete.


Here is an example of how to use useTransition:

const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition();

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Start a transition.
    startTransition(() => {
  }, []);

  if (isPending) {
    // Show a loading component.
    return <div>Loading...</div>;
  } else {
    // Show the updated component.
    return <div>The value is {value}</div>;

In this example, the MyComponent component will show a loading component until the transition is complete. Once the transition is complete, the MyComponent component will show the updated value.

Transitions can be used to improve the user experience for a variety of tasks, such as loading data, performing animations, and rendering complex UIs. By using Transitions, you can make your React applications more responsive and user-friendly.


Here are some additional benefits of using Transitions in React 18:

  • Improved performance: Transitions can help to improve the performance of your React applications by deferring costly updates until they are needed.
  • Better user experience: Transitions can help to improve the user experience of your React applications by providing a more fluid and responsive feel.
  • Easier to use: Transitions are easy to use and can be implemented with just a few lines of code.

If you are looking for ways to improve the performance and user experience of your React applications, then I encourage you to try using Transitions.


How to use Transitions in React 18

In this tutorial, you'll learn more about Transitions in React 18 and see them in action.



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